One of the biggest problems in writing is developing names for the various characters #amwriting Click To Tweet When we write a book, a fully grown person pops up. They have a history and a life that we know nothing about. Who are these people? What is their history and what in the world do […]
Grammar Conundrums or is it Conundrum?
My head aches with grammar conundrums. Actually I thought conundrum was both singular and plural. But apparently the plural is okay. What about genre? That’s another one that causes my head to throb. Putting an ‘s’ on genre screams WRONG! Every time I write a book, I learn something new about #grammar Click To Tweet […]
What’s a Great Book to Take to the Pool?
With summer right here and the pool beaconing me, I wonder which book I want to take to distract me from the screaming kids and the hot sun. Even though I love reading nonfiction, I prefer something lighter in the summer. A great mystery or a white knuckle thriller. You might even find me with […]
What Questions Would You Love to Ask Your Favorite #Writer?
I have so many writers whom I love. A lot of times I’ll tweet my review of their books and many will hit a like button or say thank you. But, I’d love to be able to interact with them. To ask certain questions. Either about the book I just read or their other books. […]
Crafting the Perfect Words that Describe Your Book–Blurbs!
This month #Inkripples is dealing with blurbs #amwriting Click To Tweet Inkripples is a toss into the pond. Take a look at the ripples… Add your own… Mary Waibel’s World at Katie Carroll Observation Desk and at Kai Strand’s blog. For those of you not aware, blurbs are the few paragraphs about a book that appear on the back cover […]
#MyBookReview–Britt-Marie Was Here 5 Stars!
After I read A Man Called Ove, I decided to find another book by Fredrik Backman @Backmanland #mybookreview Click To Tweet Reading the reviews of his latest works, I selected Britt-Marie Was Here with trepidation. Some of the reviewers complained that it didn’t match Ove; Others liked it even more. Being a savvy buyer, I decided […]
Writers Tips for Showing Feelings
The word, “feel,” connotes telling. When you say Jake felt anger, you are telling. How can a writer show feelings without telling the reader how the person felt #writingtips Click To Tweet This becomes a major conundrum in the world of creative writing. We want our characters to have feelings, strong emotions, but how do […]
A Time to Work and a Time to Rest
The creative mind cannot work in a pressure cooker #writingtips Click To Tweet If we want people to come up with new ideas or create exciting stories for books and films, we must allow them time to rest and sleep as well as work. Perhaps we’ve always known this truth. Often people ask writers about […]
How Important is Your Website? A Writer’s Guide
So many writers have weak websites #writingtips #marketing Click To Tweet They spend as little time and money as possible tossing something up there. Then they wonder why their books are not found for review or for purchase. I’m in the process of re-vamping my own website. I’ve explored those of other writers to get […]
When Something Doesn’t Work, Why Not Delete It?
One of the best things about writing fiction is you can hit the delete button #writingtips Click To Tweet . If a scene doesn’t work or no longer moves the story forward, rather than trying to fix it or repair a broken phrase, why not delete it? Nonfiction writers don’t have that much freedom. They […]