Can you believe we are at the dawn of another new year? Amazing! #writing #goals Click To Tweet As each day passes us by, we often wonder what we’ve accomplished from day to day. Many of us are simply trying to stay above water. Keep all the pieces in place–whether it’s that demanding job with […]
Archives for December 2016
#MyBookReview The Storied Life of AJ Fikry
This is a hard review to write. I found The Storied Life of AJ Fikry entertaining, but with major writing flaws. The characters are interesting if not too well developed. I couldn’t really see the main character (AJ Fikry) in my mind’s eye. Nonetheless, as a reader, I wanted good things to happen to him […]
I May Be A Good Writer, But I’m a Lousy Editor!
Editing is the bane of my existence #amwriting #amediting Click To Tweet I know some writers are also good editors. They catch every little comma error or word left out. They see all the echoed words and shake their fingers at me when I misspell so common a word as “quiet.” What in the world […]
My Best Book Ideas Come from My Friends
When I’m looking for a good book to read, my best book ideas come from my friends #amreading Click To Tweet Indeed, my book club has unearthed a few, but the very best books are those my friends recommend. I’ve thought about this phenomenon. I read book reviews. I study what people are reading on […]
A Christmas Scare–FlashFiction
A Christmas story… We awoke on Christmas day to a quiet house. Our kids had dispersed this holiday and left us alone to celebrate with each other. After a strong cup of coffee and a light breakfast, we illuminated the tree lights, turned on Jingle Bells, and opened our gifts. The late morning sun shone […]
Twitter or Facebook–A Good Place for Writers to Hangout?
Writers must work hard at developing their fan base or their platform #amwriting #writingtips Click To Tweet This is no easy task. It takes time and dedication. In the end, however, it’s worth the trouble. One of the choices writers must make is to decide which social medium gives them the best visibility. In the […]
How Do Your Characters Handle the Holidays?
With the holidays right on our doorstep, I thought it was a good time to look at the timing in your books. How do your characters handle the holidays? Do they purchase gifts? Do they see family members they may only see once a year. If you write murder mysteries, do tempers rise and murders […]
#MyBookReview 5 Stars!!! A Man Called Ove
Every once in a while you read a book that really floors you #amreading Click To Tweet It evokes every emotion, laughter, anger, frustration and tears. The story may not grab you like a thriller, but the book is one you’ll tell all your friends about. It’s one you’ll think about and never want to […]