I doubt you’ll find a writer who hasn’t heard of writer’s block #writersblock #amwriting Click To Tweet I’m here to tell you that I don’t like the word block. It’s scary. That word suggests that I’m all blocked up and words can’t come out of me. OMG! I can’t even imagine such a thing. I’m […]
Archives for September 2017
Tips for Dealing with Feedback on Your WIP
Writers usually work in solitude #amwriting Click To Tweet They create events, characters and stories and then they ask for feedback. While in solitude, we allow our creative minds to take us places that are often unexpected, surprising and sometimes startling. When we permit ourselves to move in the realm of creativity, we find we […]
No Time Like the Present? What Tense to Write in? #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop
All writers struggle with certain creative decisions. First, whose story are they telling? That leads to questions regarding point of view. Next, when is the story happening? In other words is it happening now or in the past or in the future? If we’re writing in the present time, do we write in the present […]
When is it Time to Change Publishers?
That wonderful day when a publisher accepts your book is a day each writer remembers. Click To Tweet After sending out query after query only to get rejection after rejection, most of us cannot believe our eyes when an editor writes: “We love your work and we want to publish it.” This is especially true […]
A Writer’s Desk or a Cat’s Meow?
Here’s a photo of my writer’s desk #amwriting Click To Tweet What do you think? Conducive to writing? I don’t think a lot about my writing environment, but it is important to occasionally stop and take a look around. Many writers have to have quiet in order to go inside themselves and into the world […]
OMG! What a Book. #MyReview Lilac Girls #MustRead
Okay, so I know I’ve given a number of books 5 stars, and I don’t really do that lightly. But, Lilac Girls should get 10! I haven’t read as good a book in a very long time. IMO it deserves the #Pulitzer @marthahallkelly #MustRead #amreading Click To Tweet It was much better than All the Light […]
Tips for Writing from your Imagination
I recently finished reading, My Name is Lucy Barton, by Elizabeth Stout. This Pulitzer-Prize-winning author created a compelling story in this new novel. I plan to review it next week. Meantime, I wanted to examine how writers write from their imagination. Terry Gross on the nationally acclaimed radio program, Fresh Air, asked Stout if the […]
World Building for Mystery Writers #Inkripples
This month’s topic for the #inkripples is world building. As a mystery writer and not a fantasy or sci-fi writer, my job as a “world builder” is quite different. But, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. As writers we are all, regardless of genre, building a world around our characters. In mystery that world is […]