Before you start reading this unusual book, you need to understand the structure. Otherwise you will get frustrated and in all probability not finish it. That would be tragic because it is a well-written, fascinating story. Evie Wyld created a world from the point of view of a very unreliable character. Her name is Jake. […]
Archives for July 2015
E.L. Doctorow Tips to Other Writers
The great writer E.L. Doctorow died recently. He was one of America’s great fiction writers. Recently I heard an interview with him that was recorded in 2009 after he published Homer and Langley. In that interview he shared some tips with writers that I thought worth repeating. “I don’t write with an outline.” #writingtips Click […]
Harper Lee–Go Set a Watchman, My Opinion
The hype before Harper Lee’s new old book was released surprised most people in the literary world. When was there so much anticipation before the release of a book. Probably not since the releases of the in the Girl With the Dragoon Tattoo series. What brought all the talk? First, a best-selling, brilliant author who […]
Review–H Is For Hawk by Helen MacDonald
This is a very unusual book. If you like different, then H is for Hawk is for you @HelenJMacdonald #books #review Click To Tweet The author experiences the sudden death of her father. She’s grieving. Her life seems to be falling apart. Her job is ending. She has no place to live. She has no significant […]
Tips for Deciding What To Read
As a writer and a reader, I’m always looking for things to read. I tend to read many types of books. In the past, I’d browse through the book store, glance at covers, titles, look for favorite authors, read a few pages and make a decision. In today’s world of electronic reading, we have […]
Tips for Coming Up with a Title for Your Book
During a number of interviews, I’ve been asked how I came up with the title of The Clock Strikes Midnight. As I work on my new book, I wonder about this question. Actually I wonder about the bigger question. How do authors come up with their titles #writingtips #titles Click To Tweet I can share […]
Creating Confidence: How to Love Your Writing in 3 Steps
Guest Post by Miranda Kulig When I was six years old, my teacher asked each person in my class what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some kids wanted to be doctors. Some wanted to be teachers. Other kids said they didn’t know. I, however, knew exactly what I was going to be when I […]
Recently I’ve been tweeting with the hashtag #YouKnowYouAreAWriterWhen. It’s been fun thinking about how do we know we’re writers. Or, the better question: when does it hit us we are writers? Is it when we’ve published something? Is it when we spend most of our time writing? For me, I began thinking I might be […]
Promotional Book Tours Rave Reviews
During the fabulous review tour hosted by Promotion Book Tours, The Clock Strikes Midnight received many rave reviews. Learn why bloggers love this book. Kelly’s Book Blog says… “This is the first book I’ve ever read by Joan Curtis and I’ve gotta say I’m a huge fan! I don’t normally read books like this so […]