My newest book will be released on December 12. To many of you that seems like a long time into the future, right? But, it’s not! I got the advanced copies in digital form two days ago and now the work begins. My tips when that new book is released #bookmarketing Click To Tweet Shout […]
Why is Amazon so Heavy-Handed with Reviewers?
I know that @Amazon is very strict about book reviews Click To Tweet They won’t let family or friends review your books. That makes no sense to me but there you go. According to the thinking at Amazon (do people think at Amazon?), family and friends might write an overly favorable review. My thinking is […]
An Author Talks about the Value of Book Reviews
I’ve written many a blog post about writing book reviews. #Bookreviews are the bed and butter to #writers. Click To Tweet Without reviews our books don’t get noticed. If you loved a book, write a review. That way others will notice it and read it. Why not? Take a look at this short video to […]
Why Genre is So Important in Today’s Amazon World
In today’s world where #book buying is largely done online, #genre is more important than ever #marketing Click To Tweet What I mean is in the past, we could browse the shelves of our favorite book store for potential reads. We’d skim the authors and the titles. Then we might wander over to another group […]
How to Write a Book Review for Ordinary Readers
Too many of my friends and associates have not written #bookreviews on Amazon. They tell me they have never done so and it occurs to me they are reluctant. Maybe an English teacher somewhere in their past told them, “You are not a writer.” Or corrected their punctuation errors one time too many. Whatever, a […]
Reviews Controversy–What’s an Author to Do?
We authors know how important customer reviews are to our books #amwriting #bookreviews Click To Tweet After publishing my first mystery, I begged family and friends to write reviews. I didn’t ask them to write five-star reviews, just to share their thoughts on Amazon. Most didn’t do it. Those who did had their reviews removed […]
Getting Reviews is Like Pulling Teeth
Okay, so I write a review for nearly every book I read #amreading #bookreview Click To Tweet I do it because… well, why not? I enjoying having the opportunity to share my opinions about what I’ve read. Readers may or may not agree with me, but at least I’ve had my say. Think back years […]
Books vs e-Books?
As the way we read books changes, I wonder what people like about reading books versus e-books. To me, what is most interesting is we are asking this question. Just a few years ago, no one read e-books. I remember when Amazon came out with the Kindle. Everyone thought the company had lost its mind. […]
Tips for Finding Your Genre
Every writer hears from publishers and agents to write in a genre. If your book is too general, too broad, it is harder to market #marketing #writing Click To Tweet They tell us, “Book sellers like to know where to place your book on their shelves.” Okay that sounds fine, but what about sub-genres? And […]
Tips for Deciding What To Read
As a writer and a reader, I’m always looking for things to read. I tend to read many types of books. In the past, I’d browse through the book store, glance at covers, titles, look for favorite authors, read a few pages and make a decision. In today’s world of electronic reading, we have […]