I’m updating this post from 2014 with new tips from Jerry Jenkins. He recently asked 40 writing experts: What do you wish you’d known as a beginner. The answers are quite enlightening. Take a look here! Then enjoy the tips from other famous writers below. I recently read a post listing writing tips from […]
Who Are Your Writing Companions?
Recently one of my writer colleagues told me he’d lost his trusty dog. That dog sat at his feet as he scribbled book after book. When things were good, the dog was there. When things were not so good, the dog was there. Now, with the dog gone, my friend is having a hard time […]
Creating Characters that Walk off the Page #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop
Recently I hosted a little gathering at our local library and talked about my books and fiction writing. One of the questions I was asked during the workshop was how do I make my characters seem so real? What are the secrets to creating characters that seem to walk off the page? All of us […]
How Do You Judge A Book? My #Tips
Recently I finished reading an historical novel I enjoyed very much. I found it interesting and was anxious to sit down and read. Some of the characters were predictable; others not so much. Some of the story predictable; other parts not so much. The bottom line was it kept me reading and entertained the entire […]
Tips for Making Your Resolutions Stick!
How many of you make New Year’s #resolutions only to see them dissipate before February? Click To Tweet I’ve long wondered why we feel compelled to make these resolutions. Perhaps I’ve been the kind of person who makes little resolutions with myself all year and never really thought about New Year’s as a time for […]
Are You Overwhelmed with the Holidays?
Even though the holidays come every year at the same time, they always seem to take me by surprise. I suppose I rebel to the concept of everyone having the same deadline. The panic hits right after Halloween. Suddenly it’s Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, I seem to mistakenly believe I have plenty of time to get […]
Changing Your Character’s Name #Writingtips
When I begin a new book, I often stumble over the character’s names #writingtips Click To Tweet It’s very hard to name a character when you know little about them. Even writing a character bio requires my giving the person a name. And, that name then becomes part of the individual I’ve created. The name […]
How Do Bad Books Get Great Reviews?
Okay so what’s the deal? I depend on reviews and word-of-mouth before I shell out money for a book. And, yet, no matter how hard I try, some bad books get great reviews. Either I’m all off-base about what’s good or people don’t realize they’re reading bad stuff. I’m beginning to think that the latter […]
Let’s Talk about Writer’s Block–There Ain’t No Such Thing!
I doubt you’ll find a writer who hasn’t heard of writer’s block #writersblock #amwriting Click To Tweet I’m here to tell you that I don’t like the word block. It’s scary. That word suggests that I’m all blocked up and words can’t come out of me. OMG! I can’t even imagine such a thing. I’m […]
A Writer’s Desk or a Cat’s Meow?
Here’s a photo of my writer’s desk #amwriting Click To Tweet What do you think? Conducive to writing? I don’t think a lot about my writing environment, but it is important to occasionally stop and take a look around. Many writers have to have quiet in order to go inside themselves and into the world […]