Guest Post by Miranda Kulig When I was six years old, my teacher asked each person in my class what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some kids wanted to be doctors. Some wanted to be teachers. Other kids said they didn’t know. I, however, knew exactly what I was going to be when I […]
Recently I’ve been tweeting with the hashtag #YouKnowYouAreAWriterWhen. It’s been fun thinking about how do we know we’re writers. Or, the better question: when does it hit us we are writers? Is it when we’ve published something? Is it when we spend most of our time writing? For me, I began thinking I might be […]
I’m a Writer–Please Don’t Ask Me!
I’ve recently published my first novel. I had published 4 other books, each written with the same intensity as my novel. But, now because more people read novels than the kinds of business books I’d previously written, I’m getting some questions that I wish people wouldn’t ask me. I’ve read a number of blog posts […]
Why This Writer Likes Snow Days
Recently the East coast has been plummeted with snow and ice. Living in Georgia, I have not escaped the ravages of winter. Although we don’t get the snow that our Northern friends experience, we get lots of ice and with ice trees come tumbling down. Last week most of our community lost power for at […]
The Writer’s Mantra: Show Don’t Tell
In the past writers had the luxury of telling their faithful readers whatever they wanted. The mantra of “show” don’t “tell” didn’t exist for Jane Austen or Faulkner. Many pages of backstory might fill a book along with much internal dialogue. Today’s readers have no patience for that kind of writing. Although writers learn from […]
So You Wanna Write a Book–Take This Quiz
Recently I heard the shocking statistic 200 million Americans think they have a novel in them #writing #amwriting Click To Tweet Imagine that! It made me wonder about who manages to get that novel out and who does not. Clearly lots of people do not. I’m going to share this quiz to help you see […]
Flash Fiction–Two Little Stories
The Runaway She climbed aboard the bus, her parakeet cage covered with a pink cloth #therunaway #flashfiction Click To Tweet The driver told her to sit toward the back so she would not disturb others. She reached the last seat and settled the parakeet at her feet. After smoothing down her skirt, she sighed with […]
Top Five Reasons Writers Use Pen Names
As a writer one of the first questions I had to ask myself was would I use a pen name. What makes a writer decide to write under a different name? #writing #pennames Click To Tweet Musicians painters, sculptors do not opt for a different name. Why, then, do writers? That was the question I […]
Spotlight on Author Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz
Today we are lucky to have an author Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz visiting with us. She has published more than 100 articles, 75 stories, a chapbook, and her stories have been included in two anthologies. She writes for both adults and children. Her fiction has appeared in numerous genre and children’s publications, and nonfiction work has […]
What in the World Do Writers Tweet?
I’ve been exploring Twitter for writers. Recently I’ve participated in several nice discussions among writers to figure out what they tweet and if they tweet. The variation is amazing, but there are some interesting Tips we writers can learn from other tweeters in the writing community #tweetingtips #writing Click To Tweet . First of all, […]