Recently I was asked by an interview, What surprised me about my writing career? #writingtips Click To Tweet He included the creative process, publishing or editing. Admittedly nothing in the publishing or editing process particularly surprised me. I realized going into this field that getting published would be a challenge and would require all my […]
Tips from Famous Writers
Recently I watched a video with tips from famous writers. It was all about the joy and heartache of writing. Stephen King, JK Rowling, Maeve Binchy, Anne Rice and more talk about their writing experiences. Most agree that writing is not something that is mechanized #writingtip Click To Tweet As one writer put it, get on […]
I’ve Been Accused of Reading Like a Writer–Examples of Lazy Writing
Recently someone asked me the reason I disliked Gone Girl #amwriting Click To Tweet When I said I didn’t find the story believable nor the characters likable, they said, I read like a writer. Perhaps I do. As a writer, I know when the author cheats #amwriting Click To Tweet I notice little slip ups […]
Writer Sara Jayne Townsend Talks about the Discipline of Writing
Today we have the pleasure of featuring fellow writer, Sara Jayne Townsend. Sara has written and published several books. Her latest is an intriguing story titled, Suffer the Children, released by MuseItUp Publishing in August. Sara has also written the Shara Summer mystery series. As writers we all struggle with the discipline of writing. Sara will share […]
What Does It Take to Get The Word Out About Your Book?
My books are not self-published. I say that right off the bat because there are many things I cannot control. Self-published authors have an advantage in many ways I do not. Here are some examples: They control the price of their books and thereby the specials that are run. They select the key words on […]
My Interview with David Alan Binder–Full of Writing Tips
Joan Curtis interview with David Alan Binder Joan’s Bio from her website (shortened): Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 7 books and numerous stories. In her mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, we meet Janie Knox, a tormented young woman who escaped her home and family after a jury convicted her stepfather of killing […]
My #Review of a Book Full of Twists–4 Stars
Let me start by saying the title of this book isn’t fair @claremackintosh #myreview #amreading Click To Tweet It doesn’t describe the story and instead misleads the reader. Otherwise the book was a fun read. I enjoyed the characters. Many reviewers didn’t like the main character because she was so unreliable. But, unreliable characters are becoming […]
Tips for Writing Animals into Your Stories
I love to read books when the characters are pet owners #amwriting #animals Click To Tweet Whether the pet is a dog or cat, I enjoy reading about the interaction of the character with the pet. Pet owners have unique responsibilities that writers should not take lightly. My protagonist in the Jenna Scali mystery series […]
Guest Post: Murder Within An Extended Family
What a treat we have in store for you today! Heather Haven is the queen of mystery and comedy @HeatherHaven Click To Tweet Her delightful personality shines through in her many award-winning books. I consider her an inspiration. She agreed to visit us today and talk a bit about the extended family featured in her […]
A Mystery with a Bad Good-Guy
I’m reading a mystery, Jo Nesbo’s The Son, with a bad good guy. I find myself cheering for him when he kills worse bad guys. But, he tends to kill them in the same way they’ve killed others, which isn’t pretty. It started me thinking about what creates suspense #amreading #amwriting Click To Tweet Usually […]