Writers struggle with finding the time to write #tips #amwriting Click To Tweet Whether they have full time jobs, whether they are retired, whether they are stay-at-home parents, finding the time to write is a problem. When writers sit at their computers at their desks at home, others do not understand that they are working. […]
Writer Sara Jayne Townsend Talks about the Discipline of Writing
Today we have the pleasure of featuring fellow writer, Sara Jayne Townsend. Sara has written and published several books. Her latest is an intriguing story titled, Suffer the Children, released by MuseItUp Publishing in August. Sara has also written the Shara Summer mystery series. As writers we all struggle with the discipline of writing. Sara will share […]
7 Tips to Find Time to Read
So many people tell me they do not have time to read. With working all day and then dealing with household issues, volunteer activities, children’s sports events. exercise, they say there’s no place to fit in time for reading. That is a sad scenario. Reading is a wonderful escape from the real world. It’s a […]