Joan Curtis interview with David Alan Binder Joan’s Bio from her website (shortened): Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 7 books and numerous stories. In her mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, we meet Janie Knox, a tormented young woman who escaped her home and family after a jury convicted her stepfather of killing […]
Indie Publishing vs Self Publishing
How many of you are confused out there? I see a number of hands raised. When it comes to publishing these days, the reader must beware! Today’s world of publishing is quite murky. It is hard for readers to know if a book has been self-published, published by a small publisher or traditionally published. Why […]
New Thoughts on Self-Publishing
What are your thoughts on self-publishing? I ask this question carefully. I don’t want a long tirade on the arrogance of the traditional publishing market. In fact, I’ve had great experience with my publisher, ABC-CLIO, Praeger Press. They are not only responsive but they also do a good job. Nonetheless, I understand that the publishing […]