With so many different avenues of social media at our fingertips, what’s a #writer to do? Click To Tweet Sometimes we wish we could bury ourselves in our writing and never face the social world. But, more writers are learning that the way to get the word out about their books is through social media. […]
Why is Amazon so Heavy-Handed with Reviewers?
I know that @Amazon is very strict about book reviews Click To Tweet They won’t let family or friends review your books. That makes no sense to me but there you go. According to the thinking at Amazon (do people think at Amazon?), family and friends might write an overly favorable review. My thinking is […]
3 Reluctant Stars for Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead #mybookreview
This book really disappointed me #undergroundrailroad #myreview Click To Tweet I’d heard Colson Whitehead interviewed several times and was anxious to read his new novel. But, I found it very frustrating for several reasons: 1) It is not historical. It’s a fantasy 2) It becomes preachy and annoying at the end 3) It left me […]
When Everything Grinds to a Halt
Sometimes in the world of writing and publishing everything grinds to a halt #amwriting Click To Tweet There is a flurry of activity when galley’s come in or when a book is on its final stages. Then off it goes either to a publisher or to an editor. Suddenly everything stops. You wait. The dilemma […]
#MyReview The German Girl by Aramdo Lucas Correa
If you enjoy books written about World War II and the persecution of the Jews, you will devour this book #myreview Click To Tweet It’s based on an historical fact that should embarrass us all. The ship, St. Louis, sailed from Germany in 1939 full of German/Jewish families looking for sanctuary from the tyranny at […]
The Challenge and the Fun of Writing about Murder
Everyone writers meet advise them to “write what they know.” If writers did that, there wouldn’t be many books out there. As writers, we must go beyond what we know, but we must also base our writing on fact. Even fantasy writers must stay within the realm of believability. As a #mystery writer, I’m constantly […]
Learning to Live with the Loneliness of Writing
I’m a people person. I love being around people and I get energy from those around me. But, I’m also a writer. My work requires that I go into a cave of quiet and live in my conscious mind for hours on end. Unlike the meditative mind, the writer’s mind is busy. Nonetheless, interruptions from […]
What is Your Tolerance for Reading Quotient?
I’m a person who has to have at least one book going all the time #amreading Click To Tweet When I finish a book, I feel lost until I start the next one. Without the ability to read, I feel as if my life would really take a dive. What about you? What is your […]
A Great Testimonial from a New Writer!
Recently I received a great testimonial from a young writer #amwriting Click To Tweet I had conducted a webinar for a group of students at Southern New Hampshire University. The title of the workshop was What Does it Take to Write, Publish and Sell a Novel. During that session I talked about my own discipline […]
The Painful Truth: You Must Revise This!
This month’s topic in #Inkripples has to do with Revisions. I’ve suggested some tips to writers. See what the other writers in Inkripples toss into the pond. Take a look at the ripples… Add your own… Mary Waibel’s World at Katie Carroll Observation Desk and at Kai Strand’s blog. Don’t you hate people who say they never revise their work? […]