I’m sitting at my computer today, thinking about the world, fearful of the future and wondering who or what pulls your strings. Who and what makes you do what you do? Who motivates you? Having just listened to Meryl Streep’s moving speech at the 2017 Golden Globes, I wondered what went through this great actress’s […]
#MyReview Chains Deserves More than 5 Stars!!!
Some #books just blow you away @halseanderson Click To Tweet Laurie Halse Anderson did that in her trilogy beginning with Chains. A National Book Award finalist this book deserves all its awards. In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, I timed reading this book perfectly. It’s hard for a white person to understand the […]
Unconventional Uses of Point-of-View
In my last post, I talked about how to avoid abusing point-of-view. Head-hopping is the worst possible way to write #writingtips #amwriting Click To Tweet I call it cheap writing because the author simply jumps from head to head. It is easy and takes no creativity. When forced to stay in one head or in […]
The Messiness of Point of View
By now, if you’ve been reading my blog, you know how much I detest head hopping #writingtips Click To Tweet It is distracting and cheapens the writing. That doesn’t mean I don’t like hearing what other characters are thinking. There’s just a way to do that correctly. As a reader, I love the way writers […]
Anyone Can Write Goals–AccomplishingThem Takes a Lot More!
Before I started writing full-time, I was a communication coach. One of the things I did with my clients was to help them establish their goals. What did they want to accomplish? What was holding them back from their dreams? What would it take for them to accomplish their goals. It’s one thing to set […]
Can You Judge a Book by its Cover?
I’ve joined a new blog team with monthly themes. This month #Inkripples is talking about book covers. Check out the other bloggers and what they have to say about book covers at Mary Waibel’s World at Katie Carroll Observation Desk and at Kai Strand’s blog. Book covers are often cause writers more headaches than pesky commas #bookcovers […]
What Are Your Writing Goals for 2017?
Can you believe we are at the dawn of another new year? Amazing! #writing #goals Click To Tweet As each day passes us by, we often wonder what we’ve accomplished from day to day. Many of us are simply trying to stay above water. Keep all the pieces in place–whether it’s that demanding job with […]
#MyBookReview The Storied Life of AJ Fikry
This is a hard review to write. I found The Storied Life of AJ Fikry entertaining, but with major writing flaws. The characters are interesting if not too well developed. I couldn’t really see the main character (AJ Fikry) in my mind’s eye. Nonetheless, as a reader, I wanted good things to happen to him […]
I May Be A Good Writer, But I’m a Lousy Editor!
Editing is the bane of my existence #amwriting #amediting Click To Tweet I know some writers are also good editors. They catch every little comma error or word left out. They see all the echoed words and shake their fingers at me when I misspell so common a word as “quiet.” What in the world […]
My Best Book Ideas Come from My Friends
When I’m looking for a good book to read, my best book ideas come from my friends #amreading Click To Tweet Indeed, my book club has unearthed a few, but the very best books are those my friends recommend. I’ve thought about this phenomenon. I read book reviews. I study what people are reading on […]