From the title of this post, you may have thought I’d be writing about books I’ve read. Indeed, there have been many a book where I’ve wondered when will this book end. The author seemed to be toying with us–drawing everything out, teasing, until we toss the book at the nearest wall. But, actually I […]
MJ LaBeff’s New Thriller will Put the Scare in You! Check out #Last SummersEvil
MJ LaBeff’s newest thriller promises to keep you up late at night. Last Summer’s Evil book 1 of the Last Cold Case series. A fearful city lies in wait. Summer is here. The solstice is near. Each time the serial killer strikes there are two more victims. One woman has already disappeared. It’s only a […]
#MyBookReview A Gentleman in Moscow–5 Stars
By the author of Rules of Civility comes A Gentleman in Moscow. Once again Amor Towles (@AmorTowles) writes with wit and skill to produce a book very much worth reading. If you loved Rules of Civility, you’ll gobble up A Gentleman in Moscow. It’s the story of a Count, (Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov) who returns […]
Tips for Telling a Good Story
Storytelling engages people #amwriting #writingtips Click To Tweet When you share an experience and personalize it, you create interest. Think about the times you’ve sat in big auditoriums, bored out of your mind, as speakers drone on with facts. Suddenly, a new speaker takes the podium and begins with, “When I left my house this […]
Why Genre is So Important in Today’s Amazon World
In today’s world where #book buying is largely done online, #genre is more important than ever #marketing Click To Tweet What I mean is in the past, we could browse the shelves of our favorite book store for potential reads. We’d skim the authors and the titles. Then we might wander over to another group […]
Are you a Genre Reader or a Generalist Reader?
This month the Ink Ripple bloggers are looking at Genre reading. Take a quick peek at what each has to say on this topic. Mary Waibel’s World, Katie Carroll’s Observation Deck, Strands of Thought. Let’s see what kind of reader you are? #amreading #genre #inkripples Click To Tweet I’ve looked at reader personality and learned that certain […]
Three Simple Steps to Write a Book Review
I know I’ve asked my friends, colleagues, people on the street and people everywhere to write a book review after they read my book and others. Yes, I’ve asked and asked and still people don’t do it. That made me write a post some months back about how to write a book review. But, that […]
Writing Boo-Boo’s with Similes and Metaphors
In my last post, I talked about what similes and metaphors were and how writers use them to add power to their writing. What I didn’t discuss was how writers might abuse these two figures of speech. Learning what a simile is and learning how to use them are important. Learning how not to abuse […]
Similes, Metaphors, What in the World?
Beautiful writing paints word pictures #amwriting #writingtips Click To Tweet Talented writers know how to do this without overburdening the reader. Many new writers do not understand the difference between a simile and a metaphor nor do they understand how to use these figures of speech. Let’s first look at what in the world a […]
Can #Writers Break the Rules? You BetCha!
As a reader, I love it when writers break the so-called rules #amreading #writingtips Click To Tweet The more seasoned writers get creative with point-of-view without violating the main principles. They use more wordy expressions than I might and they challenge the basic rules we all hear–like not writing prologues. Sometimes there are so many […]