Hey, I need some help from my writer buddies #writing Click To Tweet Recently I completed a stand-alone book, one I’ve been working on for about three years. In between that one, I completed a manuscript in my mystery series. Now, I find myself with nothing new to write. I’m feeling a bit lost but […]
The Perils of Self-Editing
Clearly while I’m composing or creating my story, I avoid the editing trap. I prefer to wait until I’m finished before going back and doing the work of editing, revising, correcting. Nonetheless, to get into the story before I work, I must read the last little bit I’ve written. When I do that, I’m often […]
Logline, Tagline What’s the Difference?
Fiction writers must create a logline for their books #marketing Click To Tweet Some people call it a tagline. Are they the same? Well, apparently they are not. Both of these “lines” are short descriptions of your book, and yet they are different. Let’s look at how. Book marketeers took the concept of tagline used […]
Finding the Time to Write When Life Gets in the Way
Writers struggle with finding the time to write #tips #amwriting Click To Tweet Whether they have full time jobs, whether they are retired, whether they are stay-at-home parents, finding the time to write is a problem. When writers sit at their computers at their desks at home, others do not understand that they are working. […]
The Challenges and Fun of Writing a Murder Mystery
In this video Joan talks about the challenges and the fun of #writing a murder #mystery. Click To Tweet As a writer, you must first figure out what kind of mystery you’re gonna write. Believe it or not, there are lots of sub-genres to the mystery world. Once you make that decision, you can start […]
New Contract for New Book Means More Work!
Many people think that writing a novel is hard. Indeed it is #amwriting Click To Tweet But, I find all the little things that come after the writing even harder. In fact, most writers will tell you that the creation of the story, the evolution of the characters, the movement of the plot, all spell […]
An Author Talks about the Value of Book Reviews
I’ve written many a blog post about writing book reviews. #Bookreviews are the bed and butter to #writers. Click To Tweet Without reviews our books don’t get noticed. If you loved a book, write a review. That way others will notice it and read it. Why not? Take a look at this short video to […]
#RRBC Author Spotlight! Welcome to RHANI D’CHAE
Today we are excited to welcome RHANI D’CHAE as the Rave Review Book Club Spotlight member. She’s written an exciting new mystery series beginning with, Shadow of the Drill which tells the story of… A brutal experience transforms an unproven young tough into a ruthless killing machine. For 15 years he waited, building his body into […]
The Freedom to Write
As I sit at my computer and watch many of our nation’s freedoms being threatened–freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to congregate–I begin to wonder, when will our freedom to write come under attack? People said it couldn’t happen in the United States. They said we had too many checks and balances for […]
Are Book Stores Failing Us?
Recently a friend had a bad experience at a brick and mortar book store #bookmarketing Click To Tweet For the sake of confidentiality, I won’t mention the name. I will say, however, that the customer service at that store left my friend frustrated and angry. He told me he would never go back there. He […]