Recently I hosted a little gathering at our local library and talked about my books and fiction writing. One of the questions I was asked during the workshop was how do I make my characters seem so real? What are the secrets to creating characters that seem to walk off the page? All of us […]
Do You Think I’m Crazy ‘Cause My Characters Talk to Me?
Okay let’s be clear, I’m a sane person. Or, at least as sane as the next guy. Nonetheless, I imagine my characters directing my stories. Yep, they tell me what to do. I’ve tried to direct them, but that usually leads to a dead end. Some people call that dead end writer’s block. But, in […]
What Do You Do In Between Writing Projects?
I’m pacing around, restless. I finished a writing project and sent it off to a Beta readers. Now, I must wait. Whether it’s to a reader, an agent or a publisher, there’s a lot of wait time after a project is finished. Do you start a new project or pace until your feet ache? What […]
Changing Your Character’s Name #Writingtips
When I begin a new book, I often stumble over the character’s names #writingtips Click To Tweet It’s very hard to name a character when you know little about them. Even writing a character bio requires my giving the person a name. And, that name then becomes part of the individual I’ve created. The name […]
How to Come up with Fresh Blog Topics
I publish new blog posts twice a week. I’ve done that now for four years. Looking back, I see I often write about similar things. My audience is both writers and readers. Some of my posts are directed specifically to writers and others to readers. Some to both. As I examine what I write week […]
Tips for Turning Your Manuscript Upside Down #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop
This month I’m joining the #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop with a look how to stomach a major rework of your manuscript. It’s not something any of us want to do or look forward to doing, but there are instances where we must give it a go. I’ve had some experience with this and thought I’d share some tips. […]
What Are Your Characters Eating?
Do authors need to spend lots of time describing the hamburger their main character is eating? The juicy delight of a succulent tomato sandwich? The cool refreshment of lemonade? How much is too much? In my opinion the food must have a purpose in your story #amwriting Click To Tweet In other words, if it […]
What’s with Google and Facebook in your Books?
My editor recently told me that Google didn’t allow me to talk about people “googling” something. Apparently writers can’t refer to Google in that way–even in conversation. When was the last time you said, “I’m going to do an online search of X or Y?” Probably years! Instead don’t you say, “I’m gonna Google that.” […]
No Time Like the Present? What Tense to Write in? #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop
All writers struggle with certain creative decisions. First, whose story are they telling? That leads to questions regarding point of view. Next, when is the story happening? In other words is it happening now or in the past or in the future? If we’re writing in the present time, do we write in the present […]
When is it Time to Change Publishers?
That wonderful day when a publisher accepts your book is a day each writer remembers. Click To Tweet After sending out query after query only to get rejection after rejection, most of us cannot believe our eyes when an editor writes: “We love your work and we want to publish it.” This is especially true […]