My husband just asked me if I wrote literary fiction. I explained that I write commercial fiction. He inquired, “What’s the difference.” Then I got all tongue-tied trying to explain the difference between literary fiction and commercial fiction. I decided to give myself a quiz to see what in the world I wrote. Take this […]
Why This Writer Likes Snow Days
Recently the East coast has been plummeted with snow and ice. Living in Georgia, I have not escaped the ravages of winter. Although we don’t get the snow that our Northern friends experience, we get lots of ice and with ice trees come tumbling down. Last week most of our community lost power for at […]
Who Is Jenna Scali?
It’s time to meet the heroine of The e-Murderer #amreading #emurderer Click To Tweet She is a half-Italian, half-Irish young woman who finds herself in the middle of a bad crime spree. Let’s take a few moments and learn more about her. She’s agreed to join me today to answer some questions about herself. JC: Hi […]
5-Star Review on Amazon UK for The Clock Strikes Midnight
This review was part of the Virtual Blog Tour: The Clock Strikes Midnight is a well-written and fascinating story with plenty of twists and revelations that will have your mind wondering what’s next while questioning what has been revealed. Joan C. Curtis presents an entertaining and dramatic journey into the lives of two sisters with […]
How Much do Reviews Mean to Writers?
After just releasing my first mystery, The Clock Strikes Midnight, I’ve been struggling to get reviews posted. As a reader I depend on reviews (or word of mouth) to decide what to read. I listen to radio reviews of the top bestsellers, and I also read reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. It helps me determine […]
The Page Author Talks about How His Experiences Influence His Writing–Tour with Giveaway
Today we are excited to have M. Jonathan Lee with us. He’s written two fascinating novels, The Radio and, his recent release, The Page. Not only can you read how Jonathan brought his personal experiences into the writing but also you have a chance to win signed copies of his books. Visit, comment, join Jonathan […]
What Qualifies as a Great Read?
As a writer, I’m interested in hearing from readers. What qualifies as a great read. I recently listened to the NY Times book reviewers talking about their picks for the best reads of 2014. They mentioned books that were “surprising.” Something we don’t expect to find. They like books that are deep but also funny. […]
How Good Are You at Grammar?
Writers worry a lot about grammar #grammar #amwriting Click To Tweet When we’re in the creative mode, however, we need to put those little pesky grammar conundrums aside and just write. After that, however, grammar issues surface like ugly pimples. How good are you at grammar? Are you someone who doesn’t care when you read […]
Release Day Blast–Shadow Maker with GiveAway
We are delighted to host James Hannibal on our blog today during his book release blast of Shadow Maker. If you like military thrillers, this is one you won’t want to miss #amreading #vbt @jamesrhannibal Click To Tweet Book Blurb How far will collateral damage from a CIA drone strike reach? When a suicide bomber […]
The Writer’s Mantra: Show Don’t Tell
In the past writers had the luxury of telling their faithful readers whatever they wanted. The mantra of “show” don’t “tell” didn’t exist for Jane Austen or Faulkner. Many pages of backstory might fill a book along with much internal dialogue. Today’s readers have no patience for that kind of writing. Although writers learn from […]