This post is part of the #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop. You’ll find many more posts for writers with tips, information about reading and writing at the hop. Just click here and join the discussion. I’ve been in a #writer’s slump for the last several months. Click To Tweet I finished a manuscript that I’m sending out now for […]
OMG! An Agent Asked for Some of My Pages!
I’ve published 8 books without an agent. Why start now? #publsihing #agent Click To Tweet That’s a question I’m asking myself. Recently I sent a query to one agent. I had no hope that the query would be answered. Often, you never hear anything. But, this agent not only responded with a request for some […]
What’s with Google and Facebook in your Books?
My editor recently told me that Google didn’t allow me to talk about people “googling” something. Apparently writers can’t refer to Google in that way–even in conversation. When was the last time you said, “I’m going to do an online search of X or Y?” Probably years! Instead don’t you say, “I’m gonna Google that.” […]
What’s an Author to Do? #Inkripples
This month when we tossed the pebble in the pond and created #inkripples we looked at publishing options for writers. Check out what Kai Strand says, what Katie Carroll says and what Mary Waibel says on their blogs. Here’s my two-cents. Recently I new author told me that her journey in writing and publishing had […]
What Surprises You About Writing?
Recently I was asked by an interview, What surprised me about my writing career? #writingtips Click To Tweet He included the creative process, publishing or editing. Admittedly nothing in the publishing or editing process particularly surprised me. I realized going into this field that getting published would be a challenge and would require all my […]
My Interview with David Alan Binder–Full of Writing Tips
Joan Curtis interview with David Alan Binder Joan’s Bio from her website (shortened): Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 7 books and numerous stories. In her mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, we meet Janie Knox, a tormented young woman who escaped her home and family after a jury convicted her stepfather of killing […]
Q&A with Thriller Writer O. N. Stefan
Today we welcome O.N. Stefan to our blog #amwriting #writing #thrillers Click To Tweet Olga is an accomplished writer of suspense thrillers. That’s a genre I particularly enjoy. Let’s find out more about Olga and how she comes up with her stories. JC: First, Your website tells us little about you. What do you do when […]
How Much Are You Willing to Change to Publish Your Book?
Recently I heard one of my favorite writers, Ron Rash, speak at the Decatur Book Festival #writingtips Click To Tweet During the talk he shared an example of something that happened to him early in his career. A big publisher offered to pick up his book but asked him to rewrite the story from the […]
Recently I’ve been tweeting with the hashtag #YouKnowYouAreAWriterWhen. It’s been fun thinking about how do we know we’re writers. Or, the better question: when does it hit us we are writers? Is it when we’ve published something? Is it when we spend most of our time writing? For me, I began thinking I might be […]
Tips for Publishing without an Agent
The world of publishing is changing so fast it’s hard to keep up Click To Tweet In the past writers had to have an agent to get a foot in the door at most the publishing houses. Agents selected writers that had previously published and sold well or showed excellent potential to do so. Why? […]