Writing a book is a hard task. Pushing yourself each day to meet your word or page minimum. Staying focused and disciplined to complete your book, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. The job is not easy and not one for the feint of heart. Many people may think they want to write a book and […]
Tips for Making Your Resolutions Stick!
How many of you make New Year’s #resolutions only to see them dissipate before February? Click To Tweet I’ve long wondered why we feel compelled to make these resolutions. Perhaps I’ve been the kind of person who makes little resolutions with myself all year and never really thought about New Year’s as a time for […]
Are You Overwhelmed with the Holidays?
Even though the holidays come every year at the same time, they always seem to take me by surprise. I suppose I rebel to the concept of everyone having the same deadline. The panic hits right after Halloween. Suddenly it’s Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, I seem to mistakenly believe I have plenty of time to get […]
Do You Think I’m Crazy ‘Cause My Characters Talk to Me?
Okay let’s be clear, I’m a sane person. Or, at least as sane as the next guy. Nonetheless, I imagine my characters directing my stories. Yep, they tell me what to do. I’ve tried to direct them, but that usually leads to a dead end. Some people call that dead end writer’s block. But, in […]
What Do You Do In Between Writing Projects?
I’m pacing around, restless. I finished a writing project and sent it off to a Beta readers. Now, I must wait. Whether it’s to a reader, an agent or a publisher, there’s a lot of wait time after a project is finished. Do you start a new project or pace until your feet ache? What […]
#MyReview: Flight Path by Hanna Palmer Not Your Typical Read
This is the story about the devastation of the communities surrounding the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport Click To Tweet The author tells the story as if a memoir. She lived in several of the small communities that succumbed to the growth of the world’s busiest airport. Her experience growing up there, leaving the area and then […]
Writers as Lone Wolves with Lots of People in Their Heads
Most #writers spend their days in solitary work #amwriting Click To Tweet They sludge away at their computers, coming out for brief interactions with the fridge. Their thoughts day and night center around their characters and what they are up to. There’s never a dull moment even though their days look dull from the outside. […]
Here’s What I Want to Hear When My Favorite Author Speaks
As I prepare to talk to a group of people at the local library, I wonder what they expect to hear. Are they curious about what it takes to write a novel? Do they consider themselves potential authors? Are they interested in my writing day? Do they wonder where my ideas come from? When you […]
Changing Your Character’s Name #Writingtips
When I begin a new book, I often stumble over the character’s names #writingtips Click To Tweet It’s very hard to name a character when you know little about them. Even writing a character bio requires my giving the person a name. And, that name then becomes part of the individual I’ve created. The name […]
Playing with a Thunderclap Campaign. Is it Right for Writers?
Recently a writer friend asked me to support her Thunderclap Campaign. I had no idea what she was talking about. But, I clicked on the link. It’s a very simple concept and one where writers and readers can support one another very easily. The idea is to ask your friends, colleagues, fans to help support […]