As I prepare to talk to a group of people at the local library, I wonder what they expect to hear. Are they curious about what it takes to write a novel? Do they consider themselves potential authors? Are they interested in my writing day? Do they wonder where my ideas come from? When you […]
The Painting that Inspired A Painting to Die For
When I began thinking about Jenna’s newest escapades, my father’s painting came to mind. It was always one of my favorites that he painted. The story took root in the discovery of that painting and lots of shanangins surrounding it. I thought my readers might be interested in learning more about the real painting and […]
What’s with Google and Facebook in your Books?
My editor recently told me that Google didn’t allow me to talk about people “googling” something. Apparently writers can’t refer to Google in that way–even in conversation. When was the last time you said, “I’m going to do an online search of X or Y?” Probably years! Instead don’t you say, “I’m gonna Google that.” […]
Stuart R. West Has a New Book! Peculiar County.
My author friend,@StuartRWest, has another new book #YA Click To Tweet It’s hard to keep up with him. He writes faster than any writer I know. Before I have the first chapter done, he’s finished three books. This time he’s written a real doozy. Here’s a little taste of Peculiar County: Growing up in […]
How Your Communication Affects Your Writing–#AuthorToolboxBlogHop
As my first post for the Author’s Toolbox Blog Hop, I wanted to talk about how communication affects our writing. As a communication’s coach, I find this topic quite interesting. Take a look at the other blogger’s posts here. You’ll learn all kinds of tips and tools for writers. How well do you communicate? Some […]
Welcome LA Dragoni with Her New Release Guardian’s Touch
We are fortunate today to have LA Dragoni visiting our blog. She’s written many stories for both middle grade and young adult. Her newest is Book 2 in the Touched by Afterlife series. Guardian’s Touch releases tomorrow! Yippee. And you have a chance to win “One More Chapter” throw pillow cover giveaway. All you have […]
Mirror, mirror on the wall… Is my book the best of all?
Are you tired of authors hyping their own books? #writingtips #marketing Click To Tweet I’m tired of hyping my own! In fact, I’m changing my tune. I know my books are good and worth reading. My feeling is if you don’t or if you don’t want to read them, that’s fine with me. In fact, […]
Grammar Conundrums or is it Conundrum?
My head aches with grammar conundrums. Actually I thought conundrum was both singular and plural. But apparently the plural is okay. What about genre? That’s another one that causes my head to throb. Putting an ‘s’ on genre screams WRONG! Every time I write a book, I learn something new about #grammar Click To Tweet […]
The Painful Truth: You Must Revise This!
This month’s topic in #Inkripples has to do with Revisions. I’ve suggested some tips to writers. See what the other writers in Inkripples toss into the pond. Take a look at the ripples… Add your own… Mary Waibel’s World at Katie Carroll Observation Desk and at Kai Strand’s blog. Don’t you hate people who say they never revise their work? […]
How Long to Wait Between Projects?
Hey, I need some help from my writer buddies #writing Click To Tweet Recently I completed a stand-alone book, one I’ve been working on for about three years. In between that one, I completed a manuscript in my mystery series. Now, I find myself with nothing new to write. I’m feeling a bit lost but […]