A week ago I developed a little quiz so readers could find out what kind of readers they are. One category was Technical. So, let’s look more closely at the Technical reader and determine what they like to read and how they prefer to read. Technicals are no-nonsense sort of people #amreading Click To Tweet […]
My #BookReview Yes Please by Amy Poehler
Wanna read a book with raw humor with a touch of philosophy about life? This book is for you #bookreview @amypoehler_ Click To Tweet Amy Poehler is naturally funny. In this memoir of her life as a comedian, you learn about her as a person. She suffered the hard road to success and makes it […]
What do Bold Readers Like to Read?
Okay now that we’ve designed a little test to determine your reading style based on your communication style, let’s look at what each style likes to read (or not read) and how they like to read. What do Bold Readers like to read? #amreading Click To Tweet If you are a Bold personality style, you […]
A Quiz to Test Your Communication Style with Your Reading Style
As a communication coach and specialist, I have given style surveys to my clients over the years. The one I like the best is MyBEST Profile. I like that one because it’s easy to remember and the styles are simple. Myers-Briggs is very complicated and most people have trouble remembering the styles. The point is […]
How to Write a Book Review for Ordinary Readers
Too many of my friends and associates have not written #bookreviews on Amazon. They tell me they have never done so and it occurs to me they are reluctant. Maybe an English teacher somewhere in their past told them, “You are not a writer.” Or corrected their punctuation errors one time too many. Whatever, a […]
My Review 4 Stars for MFK Fisher’s Two Towns in Provence
I recently finished MFK Fisher’s Two Towns in Provence. The book was written in the early 1970’s and shares Fisher’s experience in Aix and Marseilles France during several visits in the 1930’s, 1950’s and the 1970’s. My guess is little has changed in those towns since then. Fisher is a beautiful writer. Even though this […]
Writing Goals for the New Year
Here it is 2016 and you still haven’t written the first word in that great American novel #amwriting #writingtips Click To Tweet You know the one, the story you’ve told all your friends you want to write. So, do you want to wait until it’s 2017 or 2020 or do you want to get started […]
Welcome JQ Rose–Mystery and Romantic Suspense Writer
I’m excited to welcome JQ Rose to our blog today. I’ve read her newest book, Deadly Undertaking, which I found both suspenseful and quite amusing. JQ does a nice job of mixing in humor even in the face of dead bodies #mystery Click To Tweet Today we will talk to her about her books and her writing. […]
Reviews Controversy–What’s an Author to Do?
We authors know how important customer reviews are to our books #amwriting #bookreviews Click To Tweet After publishing my first mystery, I begged family and friends to write reviews. I didn’t ask them to write five-star reviews, just to share their thoughts on Amazon. Most didn’t do it. Those who did had their reviews removed […]
A Tribute to My Mom
My mom. Taken in March 2015 My mother died on December 4, 2015. She had a long and productive life. No one could ask for me. She remained healthy until the last five months of her life and she lived every minute she could. Recently I sent her obit to some friends. They were […]