New writers make the mistake of tagging dialogue whenever a person speaks #writingtips Click To Tweet They believe the reader must be told who is speaking at all times. When I first began writing fiction, I made the same errors. I committed a number of the mistakes I’m going to list below. Now, I’m a […]
What in the World are People Thinking?
Do you ever look around and wonder what people are thinking? #amwriting Click To Tweet As you walk down the hall at work or through the aisles in the grocery store, do you imagine thoughts in other people’s heads? Are they thinking about how much their feet hurt or wondering what their spouse will get […]
Thriller Writer, Matthew Peters, Talks about Researching his Novel
Most people believe everything in fiction is made up. Readers, however, demand much more than that of writers. They demand credibility and genuineness. So when Matthew Peters began working on his suspense thriller, The Brothers’ Keepers, he had to immerse himself in quite a bit of research. The main character uncovers remote truths about Christianity that […]
What is the Bane of Your Writing Existence?
Okay so all writers say they love writing. None will tell you the things that cause them headaches #amwriting Click To Tweet The things that make them want to pull their hair out and wish for another career. Instead, they’ll say what fun it is to create worlds and people and stories. And, yes, that’s […]
4 Common Mistakes in Punctuation
Part of writing is understanding punctuation. We all know what a period means, but do we understand the meaning of commas, semicolons, ellipses, dashes? As writers, we use punctuation to help us “express” what is on the written page. For that punctuation to work, we must all understand it. Most publishers use a traditional convention […]
Calling all Readers!! How Do You Find Your Next Book to Read?
How do you select your books to read? #amreading Click To Tweet As a writer I’m curious. As a reader I wonder if you can give me some ideas. I have found some ways to select books, but I’m sure you can share others. Please visit here and let me know. Here are some ways […]
Do You Read in Your Comfort Zone?
What kind of reader are you? #amreading Click To Tweet Do you read mostly for pleasure, escape, learning or a combination of all three? At one of my recent book clubs a colleague said, she makes herself read one book out of her comfort zone during the summer. What does she mean out of her […]
My Review– Longbourn by Jo Baker 4 Stars
If you loved Pride and Prejudice, you will devour this book #review #amreading Click To Tweet It takes you back through the story of the Bennett sisters from behind the scenes. Instead of fretting over whether or not Mr. Darcy and Lizzy will become engaged, you’ll fret over the trials and tribulations of the maid […]
Guest Post: The Problem with Writing Humor
I couldn’t have had a better writer to talk about humor than Stuart R. West #guestpost Click To Tweet He’s not only funny in his books, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an email from him that didn’t make me laugh. The man knows humor. If you doubt me, just look at the titles […]
How Do You Treat Yourself?
My treat to myself is sitting down with my book. #amreading Click To Tweet The utmost luxury is to have a few hours alone with my book, my cat, and maybe a cup of tea or coffee. Once I’ve accomplished all my work goals, all my home goals ,and all my other self-imposed goals, I […]