So many writers have weak websites #writingtips #marketing Click To Tweet They spend as little time and money as possible tossing something up there. Then they wonder why their books are not found for review or for purchase. I’m in the process of re-vamping my own website. I’ve explored those of other writers to get […]
When Something Doesn’t Work, Why Not Delete It?
One of the best things about writing fiction is you can hit the delete button #writingtips Click To Tweet . If a scene doesn’t work or no longer moves the story forward, rather than trying to fix it or repair a broken phrase, why not delete it? Nonfiction writers don’t have that much freedom. They […]
Why is Amazon so Heavy-Handed with Reviewers?
I know that @Amazon is very strict about book reviews Click To Tweet They won’t let family or friends review your books. That makes no sense to me but there you go. According to the thinking at Amazon (do people think at Amazon?), family and friends might write an overly favorable review. My thinking is […]
The Painful Truth: You Must Revise This!
This month’s topic in #Inkripples has to do with Revisions. I’ve suggested some tips to writers. See what the other writers in Inkripples toss into the pond. Take a look at the ripples… Add your own… Mary Waibel’s World at Katie Carroll Observation Desk and at Kai Strand’s blog. Don’t you hate people who say they never revise their work? […]
The Perils of Self-Editing
Clearly while I’m composing or creating my story, I avoid the editing trap. I prefer to wait until I’m finished before going back and doing the work of editing, revising, correcting. Nonetheless, to get into the story before I work, I must read the last little bit I’ve written. When I do that, I’m often […]
New Contract for New Book Means More Work!
Many people think that writing a novel is hard. Indeed it is #amwriting Click To Tweet But, I find all the little things that come after the writing even harder. In fact, most writers will tell you that the creation of the story, the evolution of the characters, the movement of the plot, all spell […]
Why Genre is So Important in Today’s Amazon World
In today’s world where #book buying is largely done online, #genre is more important than ever #marketing Click To Tweet What I mean is in the past, we could browse the shelves of our favorite book store for potential reads. We’d skim the authors and the titles. Then we might wander over to another group […]
Twitter or Facebook–A Good Place for Writers to Hangout?
Writers must work hard at developing their fan base or their platform #amwriting #writingtips Click To Tweet This is no easy task. It takes time and dedication. In the end, however, it’s worth the trouble. One of the choices writers must make is to decide which social medium gives them the best visibility. In the […]
Writers Using Scrivener or Not?–Pros and Benefits
If you’re a writer, you’ve probably heard of Scrivener @scrivenerapp #writingtips Click To Tweet This is a writing tool designed to help organize the unfocused, creative minds of writers. I wonder how F. Scott Fitzgerald or Faulkner might have responded to something like Scrivener? My initial reaction was it would take me too long to […]
What Does It Take to Get The Word Out About Your Book?
My books are not self-published. I say that right off the bat because there are many things I cannot control. Self-published authors have an advantage in many ways I do not. Here are some examples: They control the price of their books and thereby the specials that are run. They select the key words on […]