Recently I heard one of my favorite writers, Ron Rash, speak at the Decatur Book Festival #writingtips Click To Tweet During the talk he shared an example of something that happened to him early in his career. A big publisher offered to pick up his book but asked him to rewrite the story from the […]
Recently I’ve been tweeting with the hashtag #YouKnowYouAreAWriterWhen. It’s been fun thinking about how do we know we’re writers. Or, the better question: when does it hit us we are writers? Is it when we’ve published something? Is it when we spend most of our time writing? For me, I began thinking I might be […]
Flash Fiction–A Challenging Way to Write
As a novel writer, I find writing flash fiction daunting. That’s why I’m determined to give it a go. When I looked up how to define flash fiction, I learned that it can be anything from 75 words to 1000 words. The purpose is to say what you want to say in as few words […]