Okay let’s be clear, I’m a sane person. Or, at least as sane as the next guy. Nonetheless, I imagine my characters directing my stories. Yep, they tell me what to do. I’ve tried to direct them, but that usually leads to a dead end. Some people call that dead end writer’s block. But, in […]
Tips Josephine Tey Teaches #Mystery Writers
Josephine Tey was a brilliant mystery writer #amwriting #writingtips #mystery Click To Tweet She wrote in the 1930’s and 1950’s. Her books followed no set formula, and I’d say she might have been one of the first pantser writers. Those outliners who put us pantsers down might take a long look at a writer like […]
Video Tip: When do I use a plot outline to write my books?
In this video I admit to being a Pantser in writing fiction and an Outliner in nonfiction. What about you? Do you write differently depending on your genre? Join me on 11/25 for our Facebook Launch and with prizes and giveaways every 15 minutes.
6 Tips from a Confessed Pantser
I recently interviewed a writer who told me in no uncertain terms that she was not a pantser. I asked, “What is that?” She explained that a pantser was a writer who wrote by the seat of his/her pants. She explained that pantsers do not use outlines or other tools to organize their plots or […]