My head aches with grammar conundrums. Actually I thought conundrum was both singular and plural. But apparently the plural is okay. What about genre? That’s another one that causes my head to throb. Putting an ‘s’ on genre screams WRONG! Every time I write a book, I learn something new about #grammar Click To Tweet […]
How Good Are You at Grammar?
Writers worry a lot about grammar #grammar #amwriting Click To Tweet When we’re in the creative mode, however, we need to put those little pesky grammar conundrums aside and just write. After that, however, grammar issues surface like ugly pimples. How good are you at grammar? Are you someone who doesn’t care when you read […]
Lay vs. Lie vs. Help!!!
One of the most confusing words in the English language is lay (or is it lie?). Most of us have no idea about the rules that make lay and lie so difficult. We probably use them incorrectly all the time. As we move from the present tense to the past, lay, laid, lain, things get […]
I Couldn’t Care Less That you Could Care Less
Another grammatical dilemma facing writers is the common expression: I couldn’t care less vs. I could care less. A colleague once asked me which way I used this expression. I had never thought about it until she brought it up. Apparently, the expression, I couldn’t care less has frustrated writers for quite some time. According […]
All Right Already!
Yesterday I finished reading two great books, Defending Jacob and Mission Flats, both written by William Landay. I enjoyed Defending Jacob so much that I immediately upon finishing it ordered Landay’s first book, Mission Flats. But, one thing bothered me throughout the reading and began to really gnaw at me the more I read. You […]
Blond or Blonde?
As writers we are often faced with grammatical dilemmas. We have to deal with many questions, such as do we say further or father. Or which is correct blond or blonde? Understanding these inconsistencies in our language presents a major learning curve. The blond vs. blonde, however, has caused me many a sleepless night. At […]