In today’s world where #book buying is largely done online, #genre is more important than ever #marketing Click To Tweet What I mean is in the past, we could browse the shelves of our favorite book store for potential reads. We’d skim the authors and the titles. Then we might wander over to another group […]
The Confusing World of Mystery Genre
When I began writing fiction, I decided to write mysteries #amwriting #mystery Click To Tweet Why? I love to read mysteries. Actually I love reading lots of things, but I love the intrigue of a good mystery. When I picked up my pen and began the process of writing, I didn’t think, “What kind of […]
Tips for Finding Your Genre
Every writer hears from publishers and agents to write in a genre. If your book is too general, too broad, it is harder to market #marketing #writing Click To Tweet They tell us, “Book sellers like to know where to place your book on their shelves.” Okay that sounds fine, but what about sub-genres? And […]
What’s a Cozy Mystery?
Recently a friend asked me, “What’s a cozy mystery?” I suppose we writers think our readers know one genre from another. Perhaps they do not. For those who are interested a cozy mystery is your typical Agatha Christie Miss Marple type of mystery. The protagonist is not a professional sleuth or a police officer. Jessica […]
Mystery, Thriller or Suspense?
When I asked the question so what is a mystery anyway, I got some interesting responses. Most people agree that the traditional who-done-it’s are mysteries. Whenever there’s a dead body early in the book, you have a mystery to find out who the dead person is and how that person ended up dead. I did […]