Recently the East coast has been plummeted with snow and ice. Living in Georgia, I have not escaped the ravages of winter. Although we don’t get the snow that our Northern friends experience, we get lots of ice and with ice trees come tumbling down. Last week most of our community lost power for at least two days and the temperatures dropped to the single digits. So, why does this writer like snow days?
I don’t go running out in the morning for one thing or another because all the doors are shut tight with “closed” signs affixed.
The quiet of a snowfall offer wonderful opportunities to think, to create and to plan my next story.
Without the Internet to distract me, (many times everything goes out) I work away on my word processing and never even turn on Facebook or Twitter.
I can catch up on my much needed reading time.
These are a few reasons why this writer likes snow days. What about you? Do you love them or hate them?
As for me, I’m going back to my hot chocolate and fire and contemplate the plot for my next Jenna Scali mystery…
Alas, we do not experience snow days in FL . I’ve had plenty of them in my life since we lived in Illinois and Michigan, so I’ve paid my dues. I’m a snowbird and hate that name. I prefer sunbird because I am flying toward sunshine for my winter days, NOT snow. Florida is not always the Sunshine State, but the FL Chamber of Commerce does not want any snowbirds or tourists to read that statement! 50 degrees in Michigan is like spring weather, but 50 degrees in Florida is COLD and residents shiver even when bundled up in sweaters and jackets. Too bad kids and teachers don’t get a break with snow days in Florida. But yes, hot cocoa and chili are welcome no matter if it’s cold in Michigan or Florida. Enjoy your snow days, Joan!
Hi JQ, we are north of you, just far enough to get a bit of snow. In fact it was snowing this morning. It’s the ice we worry about, though. Today in Georgia is a perfect day to stay at home. I’m doing just that and trying to get some much needed writing done. Enjoy your sun-birding. I doubt you miss the cocoa too much 🙂