I share world-renowned blog posts. I write my own thoughts. And, I give tips from my experience as a writer. Things like HOW to show and not tell. Or, when to use a comma instead of a semi-colon. Or why some writers say blond and others say blonde.
Many of you like my posts on Facebook and on Twitter. A boatload of you retweet the posts and hit the little heart to show you like them. But no one is visiting me. I feel very alone.
So, you say, “I’m not a writer.” That’s okay because I create a number of posts for you. I’ve written reviews of the books I read so you can decide if that book is for you. I interview new and exciting authors. Don’t you love learning how they get their ideas and what it takes to actually write a book? Yeah, I know you do. I share information about the latest reading habits. For example I wrote a post on e-books versus paper books.
And yet, here I sit alone. Talking to myself.
Maybe even tell me what you’d like to see on my blog. I’m easy. I’ll do whatever you want!
You raise great questions about why people don’t stop by a blog and join the conversation. I’m guilty of it. I’ll read a blog post but generally don’t comment. Why? Maybe it’s because clicking a like button is easier or because I’m not sure I have anything worthwhile to say or to contribute? I’m really not sure. I wish I had a better answer. Your post has encouraged me to share whatever I’ve taken away after reading a blog and drop a line or two. Thanks Joan! ???
Actually for those of us who want to leave a virtual footprint, responding on other people’s blogs is a great thing to do. In fact, my fav blog is Kill Zone. It’s a blog with contributions from some well-known writers. It’s great for them to have a conversation with little ol’ me!
Thanks for stopping by MJ and I’ll look forward to seeing your comments.
Hi Joan, 🙂
I’ve been thinking of starting my own blog and this is my biggest concern.
“Where is everyone?”
I’ve blogged before and have been in the same situation so I haven’t yet decided if I want to go at it again.
Why don’t I leave comments? I often don’t comment because the subject of the blog wasn’t something I am all that interested in and so have nothing to say. Or – I don’t agree with the premise of the post and I don’t want to end up “starting something” by leaving a comment that doesn’t agree. And sometimes I just don’t have the time to think of an intelligent reply and type it up, again not leaving a comment.
I wish I could say what it is about some blogs that I follow them more closely and am more apt to comment. If I could figure it out, I’d pass it along and make sure I do it on my own blog too. 😉
I wish you, and your blog efforts, all the best! 🙂
Hugs, Pearl
Hey Pearl, Thanks for stopping by. I’ve missed you! Yeah, it’s hard to keep a blog going when you think you’re just talking to yourself 🙂 But, I do think that disagreement with the premise is sometimes even more valuable than agreement. That way people start thinking, talking and engaging. When you re-start your blog, let me know. I’ll start following it.