This post is part of the #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop. You’ll find many more posts for writers with tips, information about reading and writing at the hop. Just click here and join the discussion. I’ve been in a #writer’s slump for the last several months. Click To Tweet I finished a manuscript that I’m sending out now for […]
Let’s Talk about Writer’s Block–There Ain’t No Such Thing!
I doubt you’ll find a writer who hasn’t heard of writer’s block #writersblock #amwriting Click To Tweet I’m here to tell you that I don’t like the word block. It’s scary. That word suggests that I’m all blocked up and words can’t come out of me. OMG! I can’t even imagine such a thing. I’m […]
When Everything Grinds to a Halt
Sometimes in the world of writing and publishing everything grinds to a halt #amwriting Click To Tweet There is a flurry of activity when galley’s come in or when a book is on its final stages. Then off it goes either to a publisher or to an editor. Suddenly everything stops. You wait. The dilemma […]
What in the World is Writer’s Block?
I recently heard experts talking about the difficulties in finishing creative projects. Basically they were discussing the effects of writer’s block. On the program, hosted by Studio 360, psychiatrists and psychologists and people who study the brain explored whether or not writer’s block is real. Some people believe writer’s block is an excuse people use […]
Tips for Vanquishing Writer’s Block
A writer’s biggest fear is writer’s block. Even if you’ve never experienced it, the fact that it’s out there in the universe keeps writers on edge. Will the day come when I can’t write? Will the day come when my mind draws a complete blank? The thought is terrifying. What are some ways to make […]