I recently started a new novel. I began with a germ of an idea and it has grown and emerged since. Because we all write in different ways, I thought I’d share some of my tips for starting a new novel and ask my writer friends to add a few of theirs. Working on a […]
Tips to Novel Writers Who Write Short Stories
Last January I agreed to participate on a short story blog. I along with several novel writers are writing a story a month around certain themes. The blog is Lightning Quick Reads. It’s been great fun, but also a challenge. As novel writers, we often find telling our stories in 1500 words or less difficult. […]
A Sparkling Query Letter
I have finished the manuscript and am ready to start the business of getting my book out there. Step one is the query letter. Yes, I know. It has to be short and it must hook the reader. In very few words it must say what the book is about, who the characters are, and […]