You know the one, the story you’ve told all your friends you want to write.
So, do you want to wait until it’s 2017 or 2020 or do you want to get started and have it all done by this time next year?
Try these tips for writing that book and surprising all your friends:
Don’t sit down thinking you’re going to write a book. That’s a daunting thought. Set a reasonable goal for yourself. Example: Day 1, create the outline or a brief synopsis of the book. Day 2 work on Chapter 1. Day 3 write bios for your characters.
Some writers set a word count or a page count. When I began, I set a page count. I planned to write two pages a day. That felt so much better than thinking about producing a 300 to 400 page book. Other writers set a time limit. They vow to write one hour a day. Think about it, one hour a day for 365 days and you’ll have quite a bit finished in one year.
Read what you wrote the day before as jumping ground. Don’t try and perfect what you wrote the day before. Otherwise you’ll never get past page 2. You can go back and edit after the novel is finished (and you will, many times).

Balancing writing with other demands on time
In your downtime, between writing, READ and do your research. Reading and researching will get you itching to write. You can make notes as you read to help jar your memory when you get to your writing time the next day.
In other words, clear the decks of email interruptions, social media notifications, pets, children and retired husbands.
Bring your favorite munchies to your computer within hand’s reach before you start. It could be a cup of coffee, a handful of cashews or whatever might cause you to get up from the computer and wander into the kitchen. Refrigerator gazing will never get you to your goal.
For some writers it’s first thing in the morning. For others it’s right after lunch. For others it’s right before bed. Make that time sacred to writing.
Follow these goals for 30 days and you’ll get hooked. By this time next year, you will have finally written that book. The next part, editing will begin, but we won’t talk about that now. You’ve accomplished a major goal. You did it. And you can!
Great tips Joan! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope the tips help to motivate others…
Hi Joan. These are all solid tips to get a book going in 2016. I laughed at “refrigerator gazing.” Oh yeah, been there done that. I finally settled on writing at a certain time (after lunch) with no interruptions. If I try to write by word count, I waste time by constantly checking how many words I’ve written, dwelling on that number instead of my story. Some days it is more difficult to make myself sit down and write, but if I don’t, there won’t be any pages or any book. Best wishes on your writing projects for 2016!!
Hi JQ, Just met another writer in Starbucks this morning escaping the interruptions at home. Yes, it’s hard to get into the story and away from life’s demands. We all have little tricks for doing that. Thanks for sharing your lunch-time writing tip. And, thanks for stopping by!