Am I writing it for fellow writers or for readers? Because most writers are readers, you might say I’m doing both all the time. But, readers aren’t necessarily writers. Readers may not be interested in the latest controversy over point-of-view or how to make dialogue interesting.
Readers are more interested in books. They want to know what you’re reading and what you like.
Nonetheless, I have two audiences: writers and readers. So, what is a writer blogger to do?
Here are some tips for writing for two audiences:
- Before you embark on a post, identify your reader.Who is this post for?
- Alternate your posts to focus on one audience or the other. My Monday blog posts are for writers and my Wednesday blog posts are for readers. I don’t always adhere to that rule, but I should!
- Tag your posts for Readers or for Writers so individuals can find what they’re looking for
- Read blogs that attract both your audiences. See what attracts you. You get lots of new ideas from other bloggers
Here are some things I find readers like:
- Interesting tidbits about writers. Who they are, what makes them tick, how they come up with their stories.
- Interviews with writers for the same reason as above.
- Book reviews. Your take on other books.
- Quizes about reading habits.
- Clue games that might intrigue a reader to discover a murder
- Crowdsourcing questions like, which book cover do you like or what’s the best title for this book.
- Personal information about you, the writer.
I won’t like some things that I find writers like, because this post is for writers and my guess is you already know what they are. But, I will say most writers like to read tips on how to improve, how to get published, how to interact with the social media. Things of that nature will attract other writers to your site.
What are your thoughts? How do you manage multiple audiences who read your blog?
Good information here, Joan. Thanks for sharing this with your followers. I found your blog through Raimey Gallant’s blogging award post in which you and I are both nominated for the Liebster blogging award. I love your blog set-up and always enjoy a good mystery. Your book trailers are eerily interesting. I need to check your books out.
This is my first time here, so I’m following your website/blog. I’ll continue to connect with you online. Again, nice to “meet” you, Joan.
Hi Victoria! Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’ve been remiss about answering the questions Raimey posted.I plan to get on that and to do what you’ve done and that’s take a peek at the other nominees. Glad to have you as part of our community!