How do you feel once you’ve finished a novel? #amwriting Click To Tweet Okay, so you might say, “I’m never finished.” I feel that way as well. It seems there’s always tweaking. But, once the novel is sent off, gone, out of your reach, how do you feel? Good? At a loss? Jumping up and […]
So You Wanna Write a Book–Take This Quiz
Recently I heard the shocking statistic 200 million Americans think they have a novel in them #writing #amwriting Click To Tweet Imagine that! It made me wonder about who manages to get that novel out and who does not. Clearly lots of people do not. I’m going to share this quiz to help you see […]
First Sentence Launches Your Novel
Wouldn’t it be nice to get some feedback on your first sentence–that all important sentence that launches your novel? Why not? I’m sure that some fellow writers out there could give me some advice and I’m also sure that some fellow readers could throw in their two cents. We know that the first paragraph of […]