Today we welcome author Daithi Kavanagh to our blog. We are happy to be the first stop on this virtual blog tour. You will learn all about his new, exciting thriller crime novel, The Gun. Be sure to comment to enter in the drawing for a $15 Amazon/BN. I read the blurb and immediately ordered […]
Welcome–Author Denise Moncrief
Today it is my great pleasure to welcome five time published author, Denise Moncrief. She is here to talk about her writing and her success as a writer. Because Denise writes suspense books and that, too, is my passion as a reader and a writer, I’m particularly honored to have her as a guest today. […]
Okay, Let’s Talk Publishing
How many of you want to see your work published? My guess is many of you raised your hands. Some writers write simply for the joy of creating or simply because they must. But, most of us do so because we want our work published–we want others to read our little masterpieces. Now, if you’re […]