The utmost luxury is to have a few hours alone with my book, my cat, and maybe a cup of tea or coffee. Once I’ve accomplished all my work goals, all my home goals ,and all my other self-imposed goals, I give myself this treat. Unfortunately since I work on my own–don’t have a 9-5 job–that time gets more and more infrequent. When I worked for someone else, I had time during the weekends to luxuriate with my book. No more. Weekends mean more work than ever!
Nonetheless, I do strive for the time to read. That’s my treat to myself. What about you? Do you treat yourself? Some people find gardening a treat. It’s that time for them to relax and get their hands dirty. For them digging in the yard for a couple of hours is the ultimate treat. Other people say going to a movie or out to dinner is the best treat. Some people go shopping. We all have different ideas of what the treat to ourselves is. My guess is we just don’t take those treats often enough. We respond to the demands of our bosses, our spouses, our kids, our pets and ourselves.
Give yourself a treat. It will re-juveninte your battery. You’ll be more productive at whatever else you do.
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