Even though the holidays come every year at the same time, they always seem to take me by surprise. I suppose I rebel to the concept of everyone having the same deadline. The panic hits right after Halloween. Suddenly it’s Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, I seem to mistakenly believe I have plenty of time to get ready for Christmas. Indeed, I often have no more than a month. That means decorating, mailing out cards, sending packages, ordering gifts, grocery shopping, baking. Much of what we do to prepare for the holidays takes planning and forethought. They are not things that can be left to the last minute.
As I’ve gotten older, my Christmas list has not grown shorter, instead it seems I have more friends and family to give to. That’s a good thing, right? There are many more people I want to touch with a card or special gift. I do appreciate that my list gets longer, but I also feel the walls closing in on me as the time draws closer.
As you read this post, it will all be over. Gifts will have been opened, turkey will have been eaten, cards read, parties over and decorations looking droopy. Relaxing on my couch with a cat on my lap, I take a deep breath and wonder why I’m always surprised by the onslaught of Christmas. I vow to do better next year.
Maybe, I should start now? No, please give me a little rest. Oops, I’ve rested too long and before I can blink an eye, it’s time to start again.
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