I have finished the manuscript and am ready to start the business of getting my book out there. Step one is the query letter. Yes, I know. It has to be short and it must hook the reader. In very few words it must say what the book is about, who the characters are, and what makes it a great read.
I’m beginning to research what’s out there. I want to do this right. I do know about the critiquecircle and plan to access their tips for query writing. I also will exhaust what I can afford at Writer’s Digest. But, I’m sure there are other resources out there that you can recommend.
Have you written a knock-em dead query letter? Are you willing to share it? Or at least share the pitch paragraphs?
I’d love to hear whatever advice, suggestions you have. And if you know of good agents willing to read queries from new authors and who publish in the suspense genre, please let me know.
Bring it on. . .
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