As I begin the process of marketing the launch of my third book, I look at what I did right and wrong with the previous two launches.
To get your book out there before readers you must do it yourself. And this is a very daunting task. Worse than writing the book. Much worse. Many an author will tell you they enjoyed the process of creating their work of fiction. They will also tell you they dislike the selling and marketing. That goes against the nature of an artist.
Nonetheless we must bite the bullet and get our books before the audience. Here are some tips I learned from my first two efforts.
They do. But there are problems with getting reviews for your books. First, Amazon will not approve reviews if they think they’re from family or friends. I won’t go into how ridiculous that is but it’s an Amazon decision we authors must live with. Second, people will say they will review your books but they don’t. Begging and pleading won’t get more reviews. Third, if you use review services, you will send out many free books but only a handful of the people will review your book. Given all this, we must continue to ask for, beg and plead to get reviews any way we can.
It’s okay to have a Facebook author’s page, but all the groups where marketing is allowed are inundated with shout outs about new books. Most people delete them or never see them.
We did a Facebook Launch for my first book. We spent time, money and a lot of effort to launch the book with a lot of hoop-la on Facebook. Few people came and fewer still bought books. The good part of the experience was it was fun to do. But we decided against it for the second launch.
Much less chat. We tired it but again, it was a lot of time, effort and headaches for little result.
That’s a great way to keep the ball rolling. I’m not sure if it sells books, but at least it keeps your name out there. You should tweet 10 times minimum a day with only 2-3 tweets about your book. I schedule posts on four social sites throughout the work week. I can do them ahead of time. It’s a great way to stay in front of audiences and to create new audiences. Be sure to include LinkedIn because a number of people will see your updates there.
There are several types of blog tours. I’ve participated in a couple of tours with two different companies. The most basic blog tour is where bloggers promote your book or review your book or post an excerpt of your book. This is a good way to get different bloggers to see your work and broaden your audience. Be sure to check out the various book tour sites. It costs anywhere from $200 to $400 for a full-blown tour. I’ll share tips on blog tours in a later post.
This is another way to build your audience and also get reviews. You can get as many as 8 new reviews on a blog review tour. Again, there’s a fee to the company and there’s no guarantee you’ll get a good review.
This time I’m going to try a Cover Reveal tour with a tour company. My hope is to build interest in the second book in my mystery series. I wouldn’t recommend doing a Cover Reveal for a stand-alone book or the first book in a series. But, when you’ve got a second book, you can create interest and post links to the first book for readers to take immediate action.
Those are my current tips. As I learn more, I’ll post more.
BTW, I did invest in book trailers for both my books. Not sure I will on the third. I spent too much money on the first one, less on the second one. The reality is book trailers are nice but not worth the extra cost. Check out this one–the one that cost too much!
Good post, Joan. 🙂
My writing coach just posted about Amazon and reviews and said the same thing you did about family and friends. Interesting that in a free country they restrict people from leaving reviews just because they might be related to you or friends with you.
Did you know they can also shut down your account with them and refuse to sell your books if they think you have too many sales and too many reviews – just in case you’re a scammer.
You can read Mary’s post here:
Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned about the various marketing approaches! 🙂
Thank you for the great advice and sharing your experience, it has helped me! The first book in my series releases this fall and now I know to hold off on the blog book tour ? Getting reviews is really tough and everything I’ve heard or read from authors is that they really can make a difference in how well your book sells and how Amazon’s algorithms will then promote it too. Wishing you the best with Murder on Moonshine Hill!