Okay now that we’ve designed a little test to determine your reading style based on your communication style, let’s look at what each style likes to read (or not read) and how they like to read.
If you are a Bold personality style, you tend to be stimulated by challenge and new adventures. You probably take vacations in remote places that enable you to try your hand at some dangerous activity. You are also someone who makes quick decisions and acts decisively. You are never wishy-washy. Your blunt behavior in communication makes you a succinct writer. When you text or email, you probably respond with just a word or two. Rarely do you offer long explanations.
How does this affect your reading. In all likelihood, you read books that are highly plot driven. These include adventure stories, spy thrillers, sci-fi adventures in outer space. That is, when Bolds read fiction. For some Bold personalities, fiction is not an option. They prefer only to read things that will help them with whatever activity they are involved in. For example, they read about golf if they play golf (How to be a better golfer) or they read about management if they work as a manager.
Some become war-history buffs.
How do Bold’s read? They read on e-books, paperbacks that can be stuffed in their pockets and best of all audiobooks. The medium for reading doesn’t matter so long as its functions. They prefer audiobooks because they can read while multitasking.
The shorter the better. Most Bolds prefer to read newspapers and magazines simply because they are shorter. They can get gratification quicker. Long tomes leave Bolds falling asleep in their soup.
In reality, Bolds are not fanatic readers. They catch reading time when they can do something else at the same time–like driving or brushing their teeth. They are highly proficient multitaskers. They have books on their bookshelf, but most are nonfiction. The action/adventure fiction they read, they usually toss or leave in the hotel room.
Are you a Bold reader? Find out by taking the quiz I posted early in the week.
It is a fast read, full of adventure, not a typical thriller, but quick enough to satisfy the Bold reader. Check out this book trailer.
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